
Foto Stéphane Bilodeau
Stéphane Bilodeau

Stéphane Bilodeau has worked as Vice President-Public Affairs at Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec since 2012.

Foto Stéphane Bilodeau
Stéphane Bilodeau

Mr. Stéphane Bilodeau is Executive VP-Operations & Strategic Initiatives at National Bank of Canada.
Mr. Bilodeau was previously employed as Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President by Montréal Exchange, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from Université du Québec à Montréal, an MBA from HEC Montréal, and an MBA from HEC Montréal.

Foto France Bilodeau
France Bilodeau

France Bilodeau is currently a Director at Universitas Foundation of Canada, a Member at CFA Institute, a Member at The International Actuarial Association, and a Member at Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute.
Previously, she worked as a Director at VIA Rail Canada, Inc. and as a Senior Partner at Aon Solutions UK Ltd.
Ms. Bilodeau obtained an undergraduate degree from Université Laval.

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