Robert J. Onesti

Robert J. Onesti

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Consumer Services


Prior to joining Hudson as a Managing Director in 2009, He was EVP of Corporate Finance and Managing Director at Westminster, Mr. Onesti was a Managing Director of ITF Global Partners, LLC where he focused on strategic planning, management and consulting services.
Prior to that, Mr. Onesti formed his own consulting company after a successful career at Merrill Lynch where he had advanced to Vice President in the Private Client Group.
Mr. Onesti also served as a Sales Manager, Training Mentor, and the Syndicate, Options and Business Financial Services Coordinator for his office at Merrill Lynch.
Previously, Mr. Onesti was the President, Compliance Officer, Financial Principal, Options Principal, Sales Director and Human Resources Coordinator of Viceroy International Securities.
Under his leadership, Viceroy grew from two employees with zero revenue in 1983 to 18 employees and approximately $5,000,000 in revenue four years later.
During that time, the firm also led and participated in numerous firm-commitment and best-efforts underwritings and made markets in all of the underwritten securities.
Mr. Onesti graduated from Fordham University in 1976 with a B.A.
degree in Political Science and Urban Studies.
Licenses held: 7, 63

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Robert J. Onesti

ITF Global Partners LLC Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied -
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Ausbildung von Robert J. Onesti

Fordham University Undergraduate Degree

Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

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Private Unternehmen1
ITF Global Partners LLC

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  3. Robert J. Onesti