
Foto Marie-José Donsion
Marie-José Donsion

Derzeit ist Marie-Jos Donsion Chief Financial Officer bei Arkema SA. Frau Donsion ist außerdem Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats von Verallia SAS. In der Vergangenheit hatte sie die Position des Senior Vice President-Finance bei Alstom SA inne. Frau Donsion hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss von der ESCP Europe.

Foto Linteau Marie-Josee
Linteau Marie-Josee

Linteau Marie-Josee currently works as a Director for L'Unique Assurances Générales Inc.

Foto Marie-Josée Houde
Marie-Josée Houde

Ms. Marie-Josée Houde is a Principal at Fonds des Professionnels, Inc. Ms. Houde joined the financial planning team in 2011.
She has extensive experience in succession law and trust law, with three years in private practice and 16 years in financial institutions, with major companies such as RBC Wealth Management and National Bank Trust.
She is presently a lecturer at the Université Laval Faculty of Law.
She works out of Québec City office.
She shares her expertise with the other members of our multidisciplinary financial planning team in carrying out the mandates entrusted to us by our clients.
Ms. Houde holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Université Laval (1989), a Notarial Law Diploma (1990), and a Certificate in Business Administration (1994) from the same university.
In 2000, she also successfully completed the Canadian Securities Course (CSC).

Foto Marie-Josée Coutu
Marie-Josée Coutu

Marie-Josée Coutu is currently the Director at the Insitut de Recherche en Immunologie et en Cancérologie since 2008 and the President of Fondation Marcelle et Jean Coutu since 1990.
She previously worked as a Non-Independent Director at The Jean Coutu Group (PJC), Inc. Ms. Coutu completed her undergraduate degree from the University of Montréal and HEC Montréal.

Foto Marie-José Girard
Marie-José Girard

Marie-José Girard is currently the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Dios Exploration, Inc. She is also a Director at the Canadian Centre for Diamond Valorization.
Previously, she served as the Vice President at Sirios Resources, Inc. from 1995 to 2010.
She was also a Member of the Ordre des Géologues du Québec.

Foto Marie-Josée Gendron
Marie-Josée Gendron

Marie-Josée Gendron currently works as a Director at the Ontario Psychological Association.

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