
Foto Renato Mazzoncini
Renato Mazzoncini

Renato Mazzoncini ist stellvertretender Vorsitzender und Ratsmitglied bei Elettricit Futura - Unione delle Imprese Elettriche Italiane, Chief Executive Officer und Director bei A2A SpA und Chief Executive Officer bei Societ Auto Guidovie Italiane SpA. Er ist Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats von Elettricit Futura - Unione delle Imprese Elettriche Italiane und A2A SpA. Herr Mazzoncini war auch im Vorstand von Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA.

Foto Renato Rocha
Renato Rocha

Renato Rocha currently works as the President & CEO-Latin American Operations at Hunter Douglas NV.

Foto Renato Bechayda
Renato Bechayda

Renato T.
is currently working as the Vice President-Operations at Puregold Price Club, Inc. He started this position in 2022.
Prior to his current job, Mr. Bechayda obtained an undergraduate degree from the International Electronics & Technical Institute in 1992.

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