
Name Mnemo Börse Durchschn. Volumen Kurs Typ

Hong Kong S.E.

0 0,85 HKD Aktie Mayer Holdings Limited Aktie

Taiwan S.E.

1 815 583 40,45 TWD Aktie Mayer Steel Pipe Corporation Aktie

Nachrichten (52)

Chord Energy Corporation (NasdaqGS:CHRD) hat die Übernahme von Enerplus Corporation (TSX:ERF) abgeschlossen. CI
Geschäftsjahr 2023/24: Sonova mit verbesserter Wachstumsdynamik nach Beschleunigung in der zweiten Hälfte EQ
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Gilbert Achermann neu zur Wahl in den Verwaltungsrat von Sonova nominiert DP
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Sonova erweitert mit All-Day Clear das Angebot an Hörlösungen   unter der Marke Sennheiser EQ
Sonova erweitert mit All-Day Clear das Angebot an Hörlösungen  unter der Marke Sennheiser DP
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Pagaya Technologies Ltd hat die Übernahme von EJF Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:EJFA) von EJF Capital LLC und anderen in einer Reverse-Merger-Transaktion abgeschlossen. CI
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Unternehmen (24)

KRAFT HEINZ 43 265 Mio $
Logo Kraft Heinz

Die Kraft Heinz Company ist auf die Herstellung und Vermarktung von Lebensmitteln spezialisiert. Die Produkte werden unter den Marken Kraft, Heinz, ABC, Capri Sun, Classico, Jell-O, Kool-Aid, Lunchables, Maxwell House, Oscar Mayer, Ore-Ida, Philadelphia, ...

Logo Encounter Resources Limited

Encounter Resources Limited ist ein in Australien ansässiges Mineralexplorationsunternehmen. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Entdeckung von großen Kupfer- und Niob-/Seltene Erden-Lagerstätten in Australien. Es kontrolliert ein Portfolio von Proj ...

Logo Australasian Metals Limited

Australasian Metals Limited ist ein in Australien ansässiges Explorationsunternehmen. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf Lithium-, Gold- und Bauxit-/Titanprojekte im Northern Territory und Queensland. Zu den Projekten des Unternehmens gehören das May Q ...

Logo Transjamaican Highway Limited

TransJamaican Highway Limited ist ein Unternehmen mit Sitz in Jamaika. Die Hauptgeschäftstätigkeit des Unternehmens ist die Entwicklung, der Betrieb und die Instandhaltung eines mautpflichtigen Straßennetzes, das als TransJam Highways bekannt ist. Dabei h ...

Logo South Pacific Metals Corp.

South Pacific Metals Corp. (ehemals Kainantu Resources Ltd.) ist ein auf den asiatisch-pazifischen Raum fokussiertes Goldbergbauunternehmen mit vier aussichtsreichen Gold-Kupfer-Projekten, wie May River, Kili Teke, KRL North und KRL South (einschließlich ...

Logo May & Baker Nigeria plc

May and Baker Nigeria Plc ist ein diversifizierter Konzern, der in 2 Bereichen tätig ist: - Herstellung von pharmazeutischen Produkten und Impfstoffen (99,8% des Nettoumsatzes); - Herstellung und Vertrieb von Mineralwasser (0,2%): Marke Lily. Der gesam ...

Logo Konsortium Transnasional

Epicon Berhad, ehemals Konsortium Transnasional Berhad, ist eine in Malaysia ansässige Investment-Holdinggesellschaft. Zu den Geschäftsbereichen des Unternehmens gehören öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, Bauarbeiten und Sonstiges. Das Segment Öffentliche Verkeh ...

Logo The Quarto Group, Inc.

The Quarto Group, Inc. ist ein in Großbritannien ansässiger Bildbandverlag. Das Unternehmen stellt eine Vielzahl von Büchern und geistigen Eigentumsprodukten her. Die Produkte des Unternehmens sind in vielen Formaten für Erwachsene, Kinder und die ganze F ...

Logo Canxgold Mining Corp.

CanXGold Mining Corp. ist ein in Kanada ansässiges Unternehmen, das sich mit dem Erwerb und der Exploration von Mineralressourcengrundstücken in Kanada beschäftigt. Zu den Projekten des Unternehmens gehören Boundary Falls, das Greenwood Projekt, das Kettl ...

Logo Ramelius Resources Limited

Ramelius Resources Limited ist ein in Australien ansässiges mittelständisches Goldbergbauunternehmen. Das Unternehmen besitzt und betreibt die Goldmine Edna May, die Goldmine Marda (North Yilgarn), die Goldmine Mt Magnet, die Goldmine Penny, die Goldmine ...

Logo Peel Mining Limited

Peel Mining Limited ist ein in Australien ansässiges Unternehmen für die Exploration von Grund- und Edelmetallen mit Schwerpunkt auf Kupfer. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Exploration und Entwicklung seiner Projekte in der Region Cobar in New S ...

Logo American Biltrite Inc.

American Biltrite Inc. ist ein Anbieter von druckempfindlichen Klebebändern, Schutzfolien, kommerziellen Bodenbelägen, Hochleistungskautschuk und Modeschmuck. Das Unternehmen hat drei Geschäftsbereiche. Der Geschäftsbereich Tape Products beliefert einen w ...

Logo Atco Mining Inc.

Atco Mining Inc. ist ein in Kanada ansässiges Junior-Explorationsbergbauunternehmen. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Exploration von grünen Energiemetallen in ganz Kanada. Das Unternehmen exploriert auch nach sulfidreichen vulkanischen Massivsul ...

Logo Mayer Steel Pipe Corporation

MAYER STEEL PIPE CORPORATION ist ein in Taiwan ansässiges Unternehmen, das sich hauptsächlich mit der Herstellung, der Verarbeitung und dem Verkauf von Stahlerzeugnissen beschäftigt. Das Unternehmen ist hauptsächlich in drei Segmenten tätig. Das Segment S ...

DUROS S.A. 1 Mio $
Logo Duros S.A.

Duros S.A. ist ein in Griechenland ansässiges Unternehmen, das in der Bekleidungsindustrie tätig ist. Das Tätigkeitsfeld des Unternehmens umfasst die Produktion und den Einzelhandel mit Herrenbekleidung. Das Unternehmen betreibt Dur Stores in ganz Grieche ...

Logo Khind Holdings

Khind Holdings Berhad ist in erster Linie in den Bereichen Investmentholding und Managementdienstleistungen tätig. Das Unternehmen ist in einer Reihe von Geschäftsbereichen tätig, zu denen das Halten von Beteiligungen, die Herstellung und der Vertrieb von ...

Logo Brimag Digital Age Ltd.

Brimag Digital Age Ltd. ist ein in Israel ansässiges Unternehmen, das Markenprodukte in Israel vertreibt. Das Unternehmen importiert, vermarktet und vertreibt die Produkte von Sony, Lenco, Kenwood, Mayer, Beko, Akai, LG, Graetz, Sub-Zero, Wolf und V-Zug, ...

Logo Mayer Holdings Limited

Mayer Holdings Limited ist eine Investment-Holdinggesellschaft mit Sitz in Hongkong. Das Unternehmen ist zusammen mit seinen Tochtergesellschaften in der Herstellung von und dem Handel mit Stahlrohren, Stahlblechen und anderen Produkten aus Stahl, Immobil ...

Logo CMON Limited

CMON Limited ist ein in Singapur ansässiger Verleger und Designer von Brettspielen, Tabletop-Spielen und Graphic Novels. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit dem Design, der Entwicklung und dem Verkauf von Brettspielen, Miniaturkriegsspielen ...

Logo Knutsford Express Services Limited

Knutsford Express Services Limited ist ein auf Jamaika ansässiges Unternehmen. Die Hauptaktivitäten des Unternehmens sind die Bereitstellung von Transport- und Kurierdiensten sowie die Vermietung von als Finanzinvestition gehaltenen Immobilien. Das Untern ...

Logo Westar Resources Limited

Westar Resources Limited ist ein in Australien ansässiges Mineralexplorationsunternehmen. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Exploration von Goldmineralien, Edel- und Basismetallmineralien in Westaustralien. Zu den Projekten des Unternehmens gehöre ...

Logo Kula Gold Limited

Kula Gold Limited ist ein Mineralexplorationsunternehmen, das sich mit der Entdeckung neuer Mineralvorkommen in Westaustralien (WA) beschäftigt. Das Unternehmen treibt Projekte in den WA-Goldfeldern auf dem Boomerang Gold Prospect bei Marvel Loch Southern ...

Logo Inca Minerals Limited

Inca Minerals Limited ist ein Junior-Ressourcenunternehmen. Es beschäftigt sich mit der Exploration des Riqueza-Projekts in Peru, des größeren Frewena-Projekts und des Jean Elson-Projekts, die beide im Northern Territory liegen, sowie des MaCauley Creek-P ...

Logo Heavy Earth Resources, Inc.

Heavy Earth Resources, Inc. (Heavy Earth) ist ein unabhängiges Unternehmen in der Explorationsphase. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt sich mit der Exploration, Erschließung und Förderung von Erdöl- und Erdgasvorkommen in Mittel- und Südamerika, hauptsächlich i ...



Foto Jessica Mayer
Jessica Mayer

Derzeit bekleidet Jessica L. Mayer die Position des Chief Compliance & Legal Officer bei Cardinal Health, Inc. und Sekretärin der Cardinal Health Foundation. Sie ist außerdem Mitglied des Vorstands des Franklin Park Conservatory & Botanical Gardens und Sekretärin der Cardinal Health Foundation. In ihrer früheren Laufbahn hatte Frau Mayer die Position einer Anwältin bei Arnold & Porter LLP inne. Sie erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss am Vassar College und einen Master-Abschluss am James E. Rogers College of Law.

Foto Jessica Mayer
Jessica Mayer

Ms. Mayer is a Managing Director and a member of the Investor Relations and Client Service team for Blackstone Credit’s Liquid Credit Strategies (“LCS”) unit, focused on LCS’s European funds and accounts.
Ms. Mayer also assists with the business development efforts for these products.
Previously, Ms. Mayer provided portfolio management support for LCS’s closed-end and exchange traded funds, and prior to that was involved with the structuring, monitoring and marketing of new funds and existing U.S.
CLO transactions.
Prior to joining Blackstone Credit, then known as GSO Capital Partners, in 2007, Ms. Mayer worked at Morgan Stanley, where she was responsible for the warehousing of collateralized debt and loan obligations.
Ms. Mayer was also a relationship manager, working with both internal and external clients to build and improve relationships.
Ms. Mayer received a B.S.
in Business Administration from Villanova University, double majoring in Finance and Marketing with a minor in International Business.

Foto Howard Mayer
Howard Mayer

Dr. Howard Mayer, MD, ist Executive Vice President-Research & Development bei Ipsen SA, ein unabhängiger Direktor bei Entasis Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. und Executive VP, Head-Research & Development bei Ipsen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Er ist Mitglied des Board of Directors von Adagio Therapeutics, Inc. und Entasis Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. sowie der Melmark Charitable Foundation. Dr. Mayer war zuvor als unabhängiger Direktor bei Genocea Biosciences, Inc. beschäftigt, als Chief Medical Officer, Senior VP, Head-R&D bei Shire Plc, als Chief Medical Officer bei EMD Serono, Inc, als Head-Clinical Development & Medical Affairs bei Pfizer Inc, als Director-Infectious Diseases Clinical Research bei Bristol Myers Squibb Co. und als Head-Rare Disease Business Unit, R&D bei Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. Außerdem war er Vorstandsmitglied bei Autism Speaks, Inc. Er erhielt seinen Undergraduate-Abschluss von der University of Pennsylvania und seinen Doktortitel vom Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Inc.

Foto Steven Mayer
Steven Mayer

Steven F.
founded Aries Capital Group, Inc. in 1994, where he worked as Managing Director in 1996 and Iron Horse Acquisition Corp.
in 2017, where he is working as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer from 2017.
Mr. Mayer also founded Dedication Capital LLC, where he is working as Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Mayer also currently works at 9 Squared, Inc., as Director, Cerberus California, Inc., as Senior Managing Director from 2014, Global Private Equity, as Senior Managing Director & Co-Manager, TransCentra, Inc., as Director, Starrus Eco Holdings Ltd., as Director, Pretty Party LLC, as Director, and Syntellix AG, as Member-Supervisory Board from 2018.
Mr. Mayer also formerly worked at Grifols SA, as Executive Chairman from 2022 to 2023, Avon Products, Inc., as Director from 2016 to 2018, DecisionOne Corp., as Director, Solocal Group, as Director, BlueLinx Holdings, Inc., as Director from 2004 to 2017, Gores Technology Group LLC, as Executive Managing Director in 2001, Caltius Private Equity Partners I LP, as Managing Director from 1996 to 2001, Talecris Biotherapeutics Holdings Corp., as Director, LNR Property LLC, as Director, U.S.
Bancorp Libra, as Managing Director, Innkeepers USA LP, as Director, Spyglass Entertainment Holdings LLC, as Director, Caltius Private Equity Partners, as Managing Director in 2001, YP Holdings LLC, as Director, Knowles Corp., as Independent Director in 2019, Starrus Holdings Ltd., as Director, Avon Co., as Director, Staples Solutions BV, as Director, Cerberus California LLC, as Managing Director from 2002 to 2018, Acterna, Inc., as Director, Lion Advisors LP, as Principal in 1994, Apollo Advisors LP, as Principal from 1992 to 1994, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, as Attorney, and Cerberus Capital Management LP, as Co-Head of Global Private Equity.
Mr. Mayer received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University and graduate degree from Harvard Law School.

Foto Margaret Mayer
Margaret Mayer

Margaret Mayer is currently the Chief Technology Officer at Zions Bancorporation, NA since 2023.
Prior to this, she held the position of Chief Technology Officer & Vice President at Discover Financial Services.
Dr. Mayer holds a doctorate degree from Lehigh University and an undergraduate degree from Cornell University.

Foto Anton Mayer
Anton Mayer

Derzeit ist Anton Mayer Executive Vice President-Research & Development bei Magna International, Inc. und Geschäftsführer bei Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH.

Foto Christian Mayer
Christian Mayer

Derzeit bekleidet Christian Mayer die Position des Chief Financial Officer bei Colliers International Group, Inc. In seiner früheren Karriere war er Vice President-Finance bei FirstService Corp. Dr. Mayer erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der Wilfrid Laurier University.

Marissa Mayer
Marissa Mayer

Die Gründerin von Sunshine Contacts, Marissa Ann Mayer, ist Chief Executive Officer & Director bei diesem Unternehmen. Frau Mayer ist außerdem Director-Forum of Young Global Leaders bei The World Economic Forum USA, Inc. und im Vorstand von 6 weiteren Unternehmen. Zuvor hatte sie die Position des President, Chief Executive Officer & Director bei Yahoo!, Inc. und Vice President-Local, Maps & Location Services bei Google LLC inne. Marissa Ann Mayer erwarb einen Hochschulabschluss und einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der Stanford University.

Foto Jessica Graziano
Jessica Graziano

Gegenwärtig ist Jessica T. Graziano Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President für United Rentals, Inc. und Director & Chief Financial Officer bei United Rentals (North America), Inc. (eine Tochtergesellschaft von United Rentals, Inc.) und Co-Geschäftsführerin bei United Rentals GmbH & Co. KG. In der Vergangenheit war Frau Graziano Schatzmeisterin, Chief Accounting Officer & Senior VP bei Revlon, Inc. und Director-Corporate Financial Planning & Analysis bei UST LLC, Principal bei KPMG LLP und Schatzmeisterin, Chief Accounting Officer & Senior VP bei Revlon Consumer Products Corp. Sie erhielt einen Undergraduate-Abschluss von der Villanova University und einen MBA von der Fairfield University.

Foto Jessica Soisson
Jessica Soisson

Jessica Soisson ist Chief Accounting Officer, VP & Controller bei Citrix Systems, Inc. und Chief Executive Officer bei Bytemobile, Inc. (eine Tochtergesellschaft von Citrix Systems, Inc.).

Foto Jessica Denecour
Jessica Denecour

Jessica L.
is currently an Independent Director at Pacific Gas & Electric Co., PG&E Corp., and CapOneSource Alliance LLC.
She previously held positions as a Senior Director-Information Technology at HP, Inc. from 1983 to 1999, Director at Children's Discovery Museum from 2010 to 2017, Independent Director at MobileIron, Inc. from 2017 to 2020, Director at Athenaalliance from 2016 to 2018, and Chief Information Officer & Senior Vice President at Varian Medical Systems, Inc. from 2009 to 2017.
She also served as Vice President-Enterprise Applications at Agilent Technologies, Inc. from 1999 to 2005.
Ms. Denecour obtained her undergraduate degree from California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo).

Foto Jessica LaScala
Jessica LaScala

Jessica LaScala is currently the Head-Investment Operations at Annaly Capital Management, Inc. She started this position in 2022.
She completed her undergraduate degree at Barnard College.

Jessica Uhl
Jessica Uhl

Frau Jessica R. Uhl ist Chief Financial Officer & Director bei Royal Dutch Shell Plc. Sie ist Mitglied des Board of Directors bei The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. sowie bei Royal Dutch Shell Plc und Royal Dutch Shell Plc (UK). Frau Uhl war zuvor als Vice President-Finance bei Shell Upstream Americas beschäftigt. Sie erhielt ihren MBA von INSEAD.

Foto Jessica Fischer
Jessica Fischer

Jessica Fischer ist Chief Financial Officer bei Charter Communications, Inc. In ihrer früheren Laufbahn war sie als Partnerin der nationalen Steuerabteilung bei Ernst & Young LLP tätig. Frau Fischer erwarb einen Hochschulabschluss und einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der University of Washington.

Foto Jessica White
Jessica White

Jessica Elizabeth White ist Chief Financial Officer & Executive Director bei Barratt Developments Plc. Sie ist außerdem Mitglied des Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland und im Vorstand von 6 weiteren Unternehmen.

Foto Jessica Woelfel
Jessica Woelfel

Jessica Woelfel is currently working as the Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer at Ormat Technologies, Inc. She previously worked as a Partner at McDonald Carano LLP.
Ms. Woelfel completed her undergraduate degree at the University of California, Berkeley and her graduate degree at the University of California, Hastings.

Foto Jessica Warren
Jessica Warren

Jessica L.
currently works at TransDigm Group, Inc., as Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer from 2023.

Foto Curt C. Mayer
Curt C. Mayer

Curt C.
is currently the Chief Financial Officer at Casablanca Resorts LLC and the Chief Financial & Accounting Officer at Oasis Interval Ownership LLC.
Previously, he worked as the Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer at PlayAGS, Inc., a Principal at Arthur Andersen LLP from 1992 to 2002, the Chief Financial Officer & EVP at SkyWire Media, Inc., and the Chief Financial Officer at AGS LLC.

Foto Diana K. Mayer
Diana K. Mayer

Diana K.
is a Director of Putnam Reinsurance Co. Previously, she was Director of Investor Relations for Citigroup Venture Capital and Citigroup, Inc. Ms. Mayer was a Director of Transatlantic Holdings, Inc.

Foto Chris J. Mayer
Chris J. Mayer

Chris J.
is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Longbridge Financial LLC and also holds a Director position at the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association.
He previously worked as a Director at Oak Hill REIT Management LLC.
Mayer received his undergraduate degree from the University of Rochester and his doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Foto David J. Mayer
David J. Mayer

Mr. David J.
is Partner at Abingworth Management Ltd.
He is on the Board of Directors at Sonitus Medical, Inc., MD On-Line, Inc., Avedro, Inc., Secure EDI Health Group LLC, Sientra, Inc., and Magellan Diagnostics, Inc. Mr. Mayer was previously employed as Managing Partner by Thoma Cressey Bravo, Inc., Chairman by Continuing Care Rx, Inc., a Principal by GTCR Golder Rauner LLC, and a Principal by Horizon.
He also served on the board at Essent Healthcare, Inc. and Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from Tulane University (Louisiana) and an MBA from Northwestern University.

Foto Ron K. Mayer
Ron K. Mayer

Ron K.
had founded Project Associates, Inc. in 1985 and held the title of Manager-Chemicals Group.

Foto Michael Mayer
Michael Mayer

Michael Goodwin Mayer is currently the Chief Executive Officer & Director at First Bank (Southern Pines, North Carolina) since 2023 and the President & Director at First Bancorp (North Carolina) since 2017.
He is also serving as a Director at The Boys & Girls Club of Henderson County, Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development, Advantage Carolina, and Regent Schools.
Previously, he held positions as the CEO, Director & Head-Investor Relations at 1st Financial Services Corp.
from 2011 to 2014, President & Chief Executive Officer at Carolina Commerce Bank from 2009 to 2010, and President & Chief Executive Officer at Colony Signature Bank from 2007 to 2009.
He also served as a Director at Charlotte Regional Partnership and President at First Bank Insurance Services, Inc. Mr. Mayer completed his undergraduate degree at Clemson University.

Foto Christopher M. Mayer
Christopher M. Mayer

Christopher M.
worked as a Director at Community Servings, Inc. and as the President-New England Media Group at The New York Times Co. He also served as the Chief Innovation Officer & Executive VP at Suffolk Construction Co., Inc. and as the Senior Vice President at The Boston Globe Media Partners LLC.
Mayer completed his undergraduate degree at Yale University.

Foto Keith Mayer
Keith Mayer

Keith H.
is currently working as the Chief Accounting Officer, Senior VP & Controller at Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc., as well as the Chief Accounting Officer, Senior VP & Controller at Atlas Air, Inc., and the Vice President & Controller at Polar Air Cargo, Inc. Previously, he worked as the Chief Financial Officer at PepsiCo, Inc. from 2009 to 2010.
He also held positions at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as a Principal and at Frito-Lay North America, Inc. as a Senior Group Manager-Financial Accounting from 1999 to 2003.
Mr. Mayer obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Bridgeport.

Foto Robert J. Mayer
Robert J. Mayer

Robert J.
is currently the Director at Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of Clinical.
He completed his undergraduate degree at Harvard University and Williams College.

Foto Butch Mayer
Butch Mayer

Mr. Robert C.
Mayer, Jr., is a Senior Research Analyst at Meridian Credit Management LLC.
He joined the firm in 2005 and with industry expertise and coverage responsibilities for Consumer Products, Retail, Insurance, and Food & Beverage.
With an extensive credit and workout background, the firm utilized his experience on the analysis of stressed and distressed credits.
Previously, he was a Director with First Union National Bank where he managed credit portfolios for the insurance industry group.
Responsibilities included client management, credit analysis, product assessment, loan structuring and team management.
Prior to that, Mr. Mayer worked for InterFirst Bank, N.A., assigned to the Southwest Group handling middle market borrowers as well as the bank's Workout Group, restructuring credits for both national and regional accounts.
Mr. Mayer joined U.S.
Bank in 2011 as Senior Portfolio Manager for the Wholesale Banking Division, with focus on large corporate accounts in the Southeast and Northeast.
Industry focus included financial services and defense contractors with responsibility for credit analysis focused on initial assessment, underwriting, presentation for credit approval and ongoing credit monitoring.
Accomplishments included approval for credit requests and various highly leveraged transactions that included multiple agent titles.
Mr. Mayer holds a BS in Business Administration from Louisiana State University.

Foto Solomon Mayer
Solomon Mayer

Solomon Mayer is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Overseas Trading, Inc., Director & Member-Board Presidium at Chai Lifeline, Inc., Director at Fixtures 2000, Inc., Director at Supreme Construction & Development Corp., Director at Laniado Hospital, Director at Mishkon, and Director at SmartSoda Holdings, Inc. He was previously the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Mooney Aerospace Group Ltd., Mooney Airplane Co., Inc., and The Mooney International Corp.
He was also an Independent Director at Innovative Food Holdings, Inc., Ironwood Gold Corp., HighCom Global Security, Inc., and DropCar, Inc. Additionally, he was the Director-Sales & Marketing at Sportswear, Inc., and Director at Microbot Medical Ltd.
and Microbot Medical, Inc. Mr. Mayer is currently an Independent Director at DropCar, Inc. and Enveric Biosciences, Inc.

Foto Ylain G. Mayer
Ylain G. Mayer

Ylain G.
currently works as a Director for the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, Inc.

Foto Holger Mayer
Holger Mayer

Holger Mayer is currently working as the Director of Finance, Human Resources & Sales at ENTEGA AG and as a Director at Forest Carbon Group AG.
He previously worked as a Director at Ostrom Climate Solutions, Inc. from 2010 to 2012.

Foto Bernd Mayer
Bernd Mayer

Bernd Mayer is currently the Chairman of the Management Board at Volksbank Untere Saar eG.

Foto Hans-Ulrich Mayer
Hans-Ulrich Mayer

Hans-Ulrich Mayer is currently a Fund Manager at Deka Investment GmbH.
Previously, he worked as a Portfolio Manager at Sal.
Oppenheim jr.
& Cie.
AG & Co. KGaA and OAM Köln GmbH.

Foto Davor Mayer
Davor Mayer

Davor Mayer worked at OMV AG as a Manager-Wholesale Petroleum Products from 1998 to 2002.
He also worked at INA-Industrija nafte dd and TIFON doo as a Member-Management Board.

Foto Dean Mayer
Dean Mayer

Mr. Dean Mayer, CPA, is Chief Financial Officer at Alpine Analytics, Inc. Mr. Mayer was previously employed as Controller by ParAccel, Inc., Chief Financial Officer by PostX Corp., Controller by Realchip, Inc., a Director-Global Risk Management Solutions by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, and Regioanl Manager-Internal Audit by Lockheed Martin Corp.
He received his undergraduate degree from The California State University.

Foto Joshua David Mayer
Joshua David Mayer

Joshua David Mayer is currently a Director at Fiduciary Exchange LLC and a Director at Advisor Credit Exchange LLC.
Previously, he worked as an Operations Director at Oberon Financial Technology, Inc. from 2000 to 2004.
He then served as the Chief Operating Officer at Envestnet, Inc. from 2004 to 2023.
Mr. Mayer obtained his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University.

Foto Dirk Mayer
Dirk Mayer

Dirk Mayer currently works at MWZ Beteiligungs GmbH, as Director-Marketing & Communication.

Foto Christine C. Mayer
Christine C. Mayer

Christine C.
worked as a Principal at Johnson & Johnson, Senior VP-Business Development & Licensing at Biovail Corp., Vice President-Business Development at VaxInnate Corp., Senior Vice President-Business Development at Biovail Pharmaceuticals LLC, and Vice President-Global Business Development at Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals.
She holds an MBA from Rutgers State University of New Jersey and an undergraduate degree from Rowan University.

Foto Chris Mayer
Chris Mayer

Chris Mayer currently works as a Vice President-Information Technology at Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.

Foto Steven Mayer
Steven Mayer

Steven Lloyd Mayer is currently a Director at Bellus Health (Innodia), Inc. He also holds the position of Chief Medical Officer & Board Member at GlucoSentient, Inc., Chief Medical Officer at Emergent Technologies, Inc., and Chief Medical Officer at Pure Transplant Solutions, LLC.
Previously, he served as a Non-Executive Director at Lifeline Scientific, Inc. from 2003 to 2015.
He was also a Board Member at Organ Recovery Systems, Inc. from 2004 to 2015.
Additionally, he was a Vice President of Strategic Planning at the International Association of Physicians In Aids Care, Inc. from 2003 to 2010.
He served as a Member of Scientific Advisory Board at Psynova Neurotech Ltd.
from 2008 to 2010.
He was also a Scientific Advisory Board & Board Member at HBM Partners AG from 2003 to 2012.
He was a Director at Abbott Diagnostics, Inc. He received his undergraduate and doctorate degrees from the University of Wisconsin in 1987.

Foto Stuart Mayer
Stuart Mayer

Mr. Stuart Mayer, CPA, is Vice President-Finance at Insight Venture Partners since November 2007.
Prior to joining Insight, he was the Controller of the private equity division at Sandler Capital Management which he joined in 2003.
Mr. Mayer began his career in 2000 as an Auditor and Consultant at Ernst & Young, LLP in the Financial Services Division where he provided assurance and business advisory services for hedge funds, private equity funds, banking and capital markets clients.
Mr. Mayer has a BS in Accounting from the Binghamton University School of Management and is a Certified Public Accountant in the State of New York.

Foto Torsten Mayer
Torsten Mayer

Torsten Mayer currently works as a Director-Management Board at TONBELLER AG.

Foto Alexander Mayer
Alexander Mayer

Alexander Mayer currently works at Württembergische Versicherung AG, as Director from 2019, WL Renewable Energy GmbH & Co. KG, as Co-Managing Director, Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG, as Chief Financial Officer from 2020, W&W Asset Management GmbH, as Chief Financial Officer from 2019, and Württembergische Lebensversicherung AG, as Member-Management Board.

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