Unternehmen (1)

Logo GoviEx Uranium Inc.

GoviEx Uranium Inc. ist ein in Kanada ansässiges Unternehmen für Bodenschätze. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Exploration und Erschließung von Uranvorkommen in Afrika. Das Flaggschiff des Unternehmens ist das für eine Mine zugelassene Madaouela ...


Foto Bala Subramanian
Bala Subramanian

Mr. Bala Subramanian is a Chief Digital & Technology Officer, Executive VP at United Parcel Service, Inc. and an Independent Director at Cars.com, Inc. He is on the Board of Directors at Cars.com and Cars.com, Inc. Mr. Subramanian was previously employed as an Independent Member-Supervisory Board by Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV, a Chief Digital Officer by AT&T, Inc., a Chief Digital Officer by Best Buy Co., Inc., and a VP-Technology Strategy & Enterprise Architecture by T-Mobile USA, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Madras, a graduate degree from the University of Oklahoma and an MBA from The Fuqua School of Business.

Foto Bala Subramanian Ramani
Bala Subramanian Ramani

Bala Subramanian Ramani has a current job as a Member-Supervisory Board at enercity AG.

Foto Bala Sridhar
Bala Sridhar

Bala Sridhar is the founder and the President of WebDialogs, Inc., which was founded in 1998.
He also held the position of Vice President-Engineering at Softlinx, Inc. Mr. Sridhar has a graduate degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an undergraduate degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee.

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