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Schlusskurs Chicago Board Of Trade 20:15:26 03.07.2024 % 5 Tage % 1. Jan.
403,5 USc +0,37 % Intraday Chart für Corn Future (ZC) - CBE/C1 -3,93 % -14,38 %
Funds steadfast in bearish CBOT corn views despite friendly US data -Braun
Wheat rallies on Black Sea tensions, weather worries
Wheat Futures Higher Following Ukrainian Strike -- Daily Grain Highlights
Ue: surplus record per la bilancia agroalimentare nel 2023
Ucrania exportará 36 millones de toneladas de cereales en 2023/24: Ministerio
World food price index rebounds from three-year low, says UN agency
World food price index rebounds in March - UN FAO
Panoramica sulle materie prime: avanti tutta!
Soybeans fall for second session as demand for US cargoes eases
Soybeans sink on weak US export sales, lower soyoil prices
Grondstoffen uitgelicht: volle kracht vooruit!
Bird flu dairy cow outbreak widens in Ohio, Kansas, New Mexico
Corn Futures Rise on Strong Export Sales -- Daily Grain Highlights
La soja se hunde por débiles ventas de exportaciones EEUU y aumento de suministros Sudamérica
Soybeans sink on weak US export sales, lower soyoil prices
U.S. Soybean Export Sales Miss Analyst Forecast
Commodities Overview: Full steam ahead!
Visión general de las materias primas: ¡A toda máquina!
Tour d'horizon des matières premières : En avant, toute !
Wheat Futures Climb on Signs of Firming Prices -- Daily Grain Highlights
Compras técnicas impulsan los cereales y la soja antes de temporada de siembra en EEUU
Technical buying lifts grains, soy as US Midwest planting season nears
Les prix des céréales se stabilisent sur les marchés, les huiles grimpent
Ucrania exporta 35,4 millones de toneladas de cereales en 2023/24
Gripe aviar afecta a vacas lecheras, gallinas y personas en Texas durante migración de los patos
Bird flu hits Texas dairy cows, hens, human as ducks migrate
Wheat futures dragged lower by positive supply outlook
Positive supply outlook pushes wheat futures lower
Corn down as Midwest outlook seen boosting spring planting
Wheat Futures Fall After USDA Shows Strong Crop -- Daily Grain Highlights
Corn down as Midwest outlook seen boosting spring planting
Wheat slips amid expectations of strong supply, rising dollar
Corn Drops as Traders Question Planting Outlook -- Daily Grain Highlights
Trigo de invierno EEUU mostraría 57% cultivos con estados entre bueno y excelente: sondeo
Texas says bird influenza detected in person who had contact with presumed infected dairy cows
El maíz y el trigo caen por abundante oferta y la fortaleza del dólar
Soybean Export Inspections Fall Back From Previous Week
US corn acres stump trade again as low prices fail to attract farmers -Braun
Chicago soy futures rise; wheat, corn futures fall
Ucrania exporta 4,9 millones de toneladas de granos en lo que va de marzo
Ucrania siembra primeras 500.000 hectáreas para cosecha 2024, dice ministerio
US corn acres stump trade again as low prices fail to attract farmers -Braun
USDA Says Hogs Supplies Up Over Last Year
Corn Futures Rise After USDA Cuts Corn Acreage Outlook -- Daily Grain Highlights
Chicago corn futures leap on lower-than-expected US plantings outlook