IRW-PRESS: Altona Mining Ltd.: Altona  Mining Ltd.: Bedeutende Bohrziele auf Roseby South


- Zwei neue große sehr reichhaltige Kupferanomalien im Boden mit anomalen Gehalten von bis
zu 4,6 % Kupfer auf Harvest und 5,6 % Kupfer auf Hobby.

- Beide Anomalien sind mit den Ergebnissen aus Altonas Lagerstätte Little Eva

- Gesteinssplitterproben mit bis zu 14,4 % Kupfer und 0,74 g/t Gold auf Harvest und 23,3 % Kupfer
und 2,9 g/t Gold auf Hobby.

- Das beste Ergebnis der wenigen in den 1990er-Jahren auf Harvest niedergebrachten Bohrungen war
74 m mit 0,52 % Kupfer und 0,11 g/t Gold.

- Die Bohrungen werden in den kommenden Monaten beginnen.

Altona Mining Limited (Altona oder das Unternehmen - gibt bekannt, dass das Unternehmen zwei neue
große und sehr reichhaltige Kupferanomalien im Boden auf seinem sich vollständig in
Unternehmensbesitz befindlichen Projekt Roseby South (Roseby South) in der Nähe des Mt Isa in
Queensland abgegrenzt hat.

Roseby South liegt unmittelbar an der Südgrenze des Projekts Cloncurry des Unternehmens und
MMGs großer Untertagezinkmine auf Dugald River (Abbildung 5).

Das Projekt Cloncurry unterliegt einem geplanten Joint Venture im Wert von 235,5 Mio. USD (JV)
mit Sichuan Railway Investment Group (SRIG). Nähere Informationen hinsichtlich des SRIG JV
finden Sie in der Pressemitteilung vom 2. Juni 2016.

Roseby South ist eine sich zu 100 % im Besitz der Altona befindliche Explorationsliegenschaft.
Sie ist nicht Teil der Vereinbarungen mit SRIG. Das Projekt Roseby South besitzt zwei gewährte
Explorationsgenehmigungen (Exploration Permits for Minerals, EPM), die eine Fläche von
ungefähr 476 km2 abdecken (Abbildung 3).

Die Explorationstätigkeiten auf Roseby South sind der Beginn einer von Altona
durchgeführten Kampagne zur Erweiterung ihrer Explorationsaktivitäten im stratigrafischen
Fenster des Mt Isa. Mit dieser Verlagerung hin zu weiteren Explorationstätigkeiten, wurde eine
Neubewertung von Roseby South durchgeführt nach seiner Rückgabe an Altonas Management im
Jahr 2015 nach Ablauf einer Option auf das Projekt. Die Geländeprogramme begannen im April 2016
und zielten auf vererzte Korridore, die sich über die Länge der Liegenschaft des
Unternehmens erstrecken. Die Geländearbeiten konzentrierten sich auf sehr genaue
Bodenprobenentnahmen, Prospektionsarbeiten und geologische Kartierungen. 

Die Anomalien Harvest und Hobby (Abbildungen 1, 2, 3 und 4) sind unter den zahlreichen
Erkundungsgebieten, die sich in einer frühen Abgrenzungsphase befinden, die am besten
definierten Ziele.

Für Harvest und Hobby wird ein RC-Bohrprogramm geplant und in Abhängigkeit des
Explorationsfortschritts wird Altona ebenfalls ein oder zwei andere Erkundungsgebiete, die zurzeit
bewertet werden, durch Bohrungen überprüfen. Verschiedene Abkommen mit dritten Parteien
und sogenannte Aboriginal Heritage Clearances sind vor dem Bohrbeginn notwendig. Dies wird laut
Erwartungen 2 bis 3 Monate in Anspruch nehmen. Eine Abbildung der Bodenanomalie auf der
Lagerstätte Little Eva (Abbildung 4) wird ebenfalls zur Verfügung gestellt, um den
Zusammenhang mit den Zielgebieten und der regionalen Analogie zu zeigen.

Altona wird den Markt über den Bohrbeginn informieren. Drill Targets
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Abbildung 1: Erkundungsgebiet Harvest - Abbildung der Kupferanomalie im Boden und Entnahmestellen
der Gesteinssplitterproben. Drill Targets
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Abbildung 2: Erkundungsgebiet Hobby - Abbildung der Kupferanomalie im Boden und Entnahmestellen
der Gesteinssplitterproben.

Die Ziele Harvest und Hobby zeichnen sich aus durch:


Große und zusammenhängende Kupferanomalien im Boden mit ähnlichem Umfang und
Gehalt (+1000 ppm Kupfer) wie die Kupferanomalie auf der Lagerstätte Little Eva des Projekts
Cloncurry (546.000 Tonnen enthaltenes Kupfer und 295.000 Unzen Gold, Anhang 4). Die
Spitzenkupfergehalte innerhalb der Anomalien liegen auf Hobby bei 5,6 % und auf Harvest bei 4,6 %.
Ein betriebsinternes Verfahren, das eine schnelle und billige Analyse mittels handgeführter XRF
verwendet, war der Schlüssel zur Abgrenzung dieser Anomalien durch in sehr engen Abständen
entnommener Proben (Abbildungen 1, 2 und 4).

Anomalien in Gesteinssplitterproben

Anomale und oft hochgradige Kupfer- und Goldgehalte in Gesteinssplitterproben aus
Aufschlüssen und Lesesteinen sowohl oxidiert als auch frisch. Es wurden zum Beispiel
Spitzenwerte von 14,4 % Kupfer und 0,74 g/t Gold auf Harvest und 23,3 % Kupfer und 2,9 g/t Gold auf
Hobby gefunden. Die Analyse der Gesteinssplitter erfolgte durch herkömmliche Vefahren (Anhang

Hochgradige Bohrergebnisse
Auf Hobby wurden keine Bohrungen niedergebracht.

Auf Harvest zeigen die wenigen in den 1970er-Jahren (Tabellen 2 und 3) niedergebrachten Bohrungen
das Potenzial für eine wirtschaftliche Kupfer-Gold-Vererzung. Zum Beispiel lieferte die von
Placer im Jahre 1992 (Abbildung 1) niedergebrachte Bohrung:

74 m mit 0,51 % Kupfer und 0,11 g/tGold ab Oberfläche:

Einschließlich 8 m mit 1,65 % Kupfer und 0,18 g/t Gold und
--12 m mit 0,77 % Kupfer und 0,23 g/t Gold

Günstige Gesteine

Auf Harvest und Hobby haben die geologischen Kartierungen Gesteinstypen, Alterations- und
Elementvergesellschaftungen dokumentiert, die mit signifikanten IOCG-Lagerstätten in der Region

Große Strukturen

Die Ziele liegen innerhalb zwei großer tektonischer Korridore, die das stratigrafische
Fenster Mt Isa durchschneiden und ebenfalls die Lagerstätten innerhalb des möglichen SRIG
Joint-Venture beherbergen und Ressourcen mit 1,6 Mio. Tonnen Kupfer sowie 0,4 Mio. Unzen Gold
enthalten (Anhang 4).

Historische Abbauspuren

Auf beiden Zielen wurden zahlreiche historische Abbauspuren identifiziert von
übertägigen Schürfgräben aus den 1970er-Jahren bis zu Schächten und
Tagebaugruben aus den 1920er-Jahren bis zu den 1940er-Jahren.


Während die Harvest-Anomalie die typischen magnetischen Charakteristika vieler
IOCG-Lagerstätten in der Region aufweist, so liefert das neue Ziel auf Hobby keine
zugehörigen magnetischen Signale in den regionalen Daten und wurde als Folge in der
Vergangenheit übersehen. Die in der Alterationszone auf Hobby beobachteten Eisenoxidminerale
sind überwiegend von Hämatit.

Eine detailliertere Beschreibung von Roseby South und jedes der Ziele finden Sie im Anhang
(Anhang 2) zusammen mit der JORC Code Tabelle 1 (Anhang 3) zur Offenlegung der Explorationsmethodik.
Obwohl die Ziele attraktiv sind, so ist der Gehalt der Oberflächenanomalien kein
verlässlicher Richtwert für die Art irgendeiner möglicherweise zugrunde liegender 
Vererzung. Drill Targets
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Abbildung 3: Projekt Roseby South über Abbildung der Magnetik gelegt, welche die
Lagerstätten, Zielgebiete und Explorationsgebiete der Geländesaison 2016 zeigt. Drill Targets
Identfied (2).004.jpeg

Abbildung 4: ein Vergleich der Kupferanomalien im Boden auf Harvest und Hobby mit der
Lagerstätte Little Eva. Anmerkung, Abbildungen in gleichem Maßstab und gleichen

Für Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

Alistair Cowden  
Managing Director   
Altona Mining Limited 
Tel: +61 8 9485 2929 

David Tasker
Professional Public Relations
Tel: +61 8 9388 0944

Jochen Staiger
Swiss Resource Capital AG
Tel: +41 71 354 8501

Über Altona

Altona Mining Limited ist ein an der ASX notiertes Unternehmen, das sich auf das Projekt
Cloncurry in Queensland, Australien, konzentriert. Das Projekt beherbergt Mineralressourcen, die
ungefähr 1,65 Mio. Tonnen Kupfer und 0,41 Mio. Unzen Gold enthalten. Die erste vorgesehene
Entwicklung ist die Kupfer-Gold-Tagebaumine Little Eva und Aufbereitungsanlage mit einer
Kapazität von 7 Mio. Tonnen pro Jahr. Altona hat eine Rahmenvereinbarung mit Sichuan Railway
Investment Group zur vollständigen Finanzierung und Entwicklung von Little Eva geschlossen.
Little Eva ist genehmigt mit einer geplanten Jahresproduktion1 von 38.800 t Kupfer und 17.200 Unzen
Gold über mindestens 11 Jahre. Eine endgültige Machbarkeitsstudie wurde im März 2014

1Bitte beziehen Sie sich auf die ASX-Pressemitteilung Cost Review Delivers Major Upgrade to
Little Eva vom 13. März 2014, die die Information bezüglich dieses Produktionsziels und
die prognostizierte Finanzinformation, die auf diesem Produktionsziel basiert, zusammenfasst. Das
Unternehmen bestätigt, dass alle wesentlichen Annahmen, die das Produktionsziel
unterstützen und die auf diesem Produktionsziel basierenden Finanzprognosen, die in der oben
genannten Pressemitteilung erwähnt werden, weiterhin gültig sind und sich nicht wesentlich
geändert haben.

Aussage der kompetenten Person  

Die Informationen in dieser ASX-Pressemitteilung, die sich auf Explorationsziele,
Explorationsergebnisse, Mineralressourcen oder Erzvorräte beziehen, basieren auf Informationen,
die von Herrn Roland Bartsch, B Sc (Hons), Msc, MAusIMM und Herrn George Ross, Msc, MAIG
zusammengestellt wurden. Herr Bartsch und Herr Ross sind Vollzeit-Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens und
verfügen über ausreichendes Wissen und Erfahrung über diesen hier vorliegenden
Vererzungs- und Lagerstättentyp. Ihre Tätigkeiten qualifizieren sie als kompetente
Personen gemäß den Regeln des 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Herr Bartsch und Herr Ross stimmen den hier
eingefügten Informationen, die auf ihren Informationen basieren, in Form und Kontext je nach
Erscheinen zu.


Bei Anwendung bezieht sich der Kupfer-Äquivalent auf Kupfer im produzierten Konzentrat oder
im Konzentrat einer geplanten Produktion. Es bezieht sich nicht auf den Metallgehalt der Insitu
Ressourcen, Vorräte oder Bohrergebnisse. Der Kupfer-Äquivalentgehalt wird für den
entsprechenden Vorrat unter Berücksichtigung des Kupfergehalts aus allen Metallen (NSR) d. h.
Kupfer, Zink, Gold und Silber berechnet.

Die Ausgangssprache (in der Regel Englisch), in der der Originaltext veröffentlicht wird,
ist die offizielle, autorisierte und rechtsgültige Version. Diese Übersetzung wird zur
besseren Verständigung mitgeliefert. Die deutschsprachige Fassung kann gekürzt oder
zusammengefasst sein. Es wird keine Verantwortung oder Haftung: für den Inhalt, für die
Richtigkeit, der Angemessenheit oder der Genauigkeit dieser Übersetzung übernommen. Aus
Sicht des Übersetzers stellt die Meldung keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar! Bitte
beachten Sie die englische Originalmeldung auf , , oder
auf der Firmenwebsite!


Table 1:  Rockchip sample summary: Altona (AL or U prefix) and prior explorers
Sample ID  Location (MGA54)      Analyses
Easting    Northing   Copper     Gold
(m)        (m)        %          g/t
AL0016691  398503.2   7719034    14.35      0.37
AL0016682  398506.8   7719005    6.95       0.19
AL0016687  398487.5   7719031    6.10       0.03
AL0016704  398503.7   7719089    4.47       0.04
AL0016515  398647.1   7718419    3.19       <0.2
AL0016707  398510.7   7719099    2.98       0.02
AL0016693  398511     7719036    0.99       0.74
AL0016705  398506.2   7719092    0.95       0.08
AL0016685  398518.4   7719009    0.93       0.09
AL0016706  398508.5   7719095    0.80       0.04
AL0016701  398494.3   7719082    0.72       0.25
AL0016697  398493.8   7719130    0.70       0.04
AL0016688  398491.4   7719032    0.66       <0.01
AL0016517  398584     7718467    0.65       <0.2
AL0016703  398501.1   7719086    0.63       0.21
AL0016689  398495.3   7719032    0.59       0.19
AL0016698  398483.4   7719078    0.57       0.1
503905     398661.7   7718654    0.44       Untested
AL0016686  398522.2   7719010    0.42       0.08
30978      398567.2   7718991    0.37       <0.05
AL0016684  398514.5   7719007    0.36       0.2
AL0016679  398495.2   7719002    0.35       0.03
AL0016702  398498     7719083    0.35       0.14
AL0016694  398514.9   7719037    0.33       0.04
AL0016700  398490.7   7719080    0.31       0.18
AL0016514  398647.3   7718419    0.24       0.5
AL0016699  398487     7719079    0.22       0.44
AL0016690  398499.2   7719033    0.18       0.07
AL0016680  398499.1   7719003    0.16       0.19
AL0016677  398487.5   7719000    0.16       0.06
AL0016678  398491.4   7719001    0.12       0.15
AL0016692  398507.1   7719035    0.10       0.1
AL0016516  398584.4   7718466    0.09       <0.2
AL0016681  398502.9   7719004    0.06       0.13
AL0016245  398504.5   7719082    0.05       0.03
AL0016683  398510.6   7719006    0.04       0.38
AL0016577  398504.8   7719085    0.00       0.09
AL0016575  413434.6   7725621    23.30      <0.01
AL0016246  413413.1   7725621    18.90      2.39
AL0016194  413409.9   7725628    17.70      0.7
AL0016598  413437.2   7725325    12.35      0.63
URB000321  413414.9   7725626    5.45       0.17
AL0016193  413297.8   7725731    4.72       0.4
URB000322  413410.7   7725621    3.88       2.91
URB000324  413335.4   7725863    2.94       0.14
URB000320  413333.8   7725621    1.58       0.13
AL0023005  413523.8   7725647    1.27       0.06
AL0023006  413582.8   7725558    0.73       0.02
AL0016586  413460.6   7725859    0.70       <0.01
AL0023001  413505.6   7725664    0.67       <0.01
AL0023009  413533.8   7725474    0.59       0.05
AL0023012  413466.9   7725536    0.55       0.02
AL0023015  413404.7   7725594    0.54       0.02
AL0023016  413391.6   7725650    0.50       0.02
AL0023013  413410.2   7725525    0.48       0.04
75213      413257.1   7725854    0.45       Untested
AL0023002  413515.8   7725792    0.43       0.01
AL0023014  413413.1   7725552    0.41       0.06
AL0023018  413363.9   7725654    0.41       0.02
AL0023011  413530.2   7725511    0.38       0.01
AL0023010  413514.6   7725562    0.37       <0.01
AL0016192  413295.5   7725731    0.36       <0.2
AL0016593  413491.6   7725473    0.35       0.1
AL0016594  413494.8   7725468    0.35       0.01
AL0016590  413419.3   7725920    0.33       0.01
AL0016596  413411.5   7725488    0.30       0.01
AL0023004  413541.4   7725684    0.30       0.01
AL0023003  413516     7725754    0.29       0.01
AL0016597  413462.6   7725325    0.28       0.02
AL0016591  413477.6   7725507    0.26       0.02
AL0016592  413482.4   7725500    0.26       0.02
75214      413285.6   7725857    0.25       Untested
75142      413307.7   7725992    0.24       Untested
AL0016589  413438.7   7725997    0.20       0.03
AL0023007  413592.7   7725484    0.19       <0.01
AL0023008  413639.1   7725382    0.19       <0.01
AL0016595  413524.8   7725382    0.18       0.01
75215      413318.4   7725854    0.17       Untested
75147      413359     7725985    0.17       Untested
AL0023017  413366.3   7725625    0.16       <0.01
AL0016587  413486.2   7725955    0.09       <0.01
AL0016588  413445     7725512    0.08       0.01
AL0016574  413566.7   7725541    0.03       <0.01
URB000323  413407.5   7725676    <0.01      0.02

Table 2:  Significant RC drill intersection summary - Harvest anomaly
Hole ID   Depth             Drill Intercept >0.3% Cu
From     To       Width    Copper   Gold
(m)      (m)      (m)      (%)      (g/t)
TSP-1     14       28       14       0.49     0.17
          40       48       8        0.31     0.08
TSP-2     0        74       74       0.51     0.11
     inclu0        8        8        1.64     0.12

          54       66       12       0.77     0.23
TSP-3     12       24       12       0.37     0.15
          56       62       6        0.34     0.10
TSP-4     18       24       6        0.36     0.09
          94       102      8        0.81     0.37

Table 3:  Drill hole summary table - Harvest anomaly 
Type /    Hole  Location     Orientation      End of
 Program   ID    (MGA54)                       Hole

EastingNorthiRL    AzimutDip  Depth
       ng          h

(m)    (m)   (m)   (°)   (°)  (m)
RC        TSP-1 398582 771847312   091   -60  78

(Placer   TSP-2 398605 771859334   271   -60  88
 1992)                 4

          TSP-3 398527 771897371   271   -60  104

          TSP-4 398474 771911366   091   -60  110

Diamond   DDH#1 398682 771847318   -28   263  106.68
(Australia             2


DDH#2 398638 771859331   -39   275  78.94

DDH#3 398449 771853301   -37   91   167.64

APPENDIX 2:  Summary of the Roseby South Project

Roseby South covers an area of 476km2 (Figures 3) and is strategically located adjacent to a
number of operating, former and proposed mines.  The project comprises two granted Exploration
Permits for Minerals (EPM). 

The Project covers the extension of the stratigraphy that hosts Altonas 1.65 million tonne
contained copper Cloncurry Copper Project and MMG Limiteds Dugald River mine containing 7.4 million
tonnes of zinc, 1.14 million tonnes of lead and 64 million ounces of silver immediately to the
north.  Dugald River has recently commenced development and Altona recently announced a US$213.53
million Framework Agreement with SRIG which, if completed, will lead to the development of a major
new copper mine at Little Eva within the Cloncurry Project.

These two major projects are situated within a regional scale north-south structural corridor
which continues for 170 kilometres further south and through the Roseby South Project for 50
kilometres. Other deposits within this corridor include the Mt Colin copper-gold mine, the Mary
Kathleen uranium mine, which closed in 1982, and the Mt Quamby gold mine which last operated in
1992. Some 120 kilometres further south on the same structure is the high grade Tick Hill gold mine
which closed in 1995. A number of other well-known major mining operations such as the Ernest Henry
and Rocklands copper-gold mines are located to the east of the Project.

Within the project area there are numerous copper-gold occurrences and artisanal mine workings
including the Companion mine (Figure 3). The Companion mine was the focus of recent soil sampling,
geophysics and drilling by Chinalco Yunnan Copper under an earn-in option with Altona, now expired.
Companion is also located within the major structural corridor and locally associated with
north-south and northwest-southeast trending fault zones. A large mineralised system has been
identified (please refer to Altona ASX release dated 30 September 2015).

Exploration Strategy

On the return of the project to 100% Altona Management in 2015 a complete re-evaluation of the
project was undertaken. Significant unexplored targets were recognised in the mineralised structural
corridors that extend the length of the Project. 

In April 2016 field programs commenced with the objective of testing the targets (Figure 3). At
the core of the program is achieving consistent close-spaced soil sampling coverage across the
target corridors. Since April some 4000 plus soil samples have been collected and analysed. A
methodology has been developed by Altona using rapid and cheap analysis for copper via a portable
hand held Niton XRF instrument. The analyses are rigorously validated with reference and umpire

Two new large high-tenor copper-in-soil anomalies have been established to date, Harvest and
Hobby (Figures 1, 2 and 3) and there are numerous other prospects at an earlier stage of

Harvest Prospect

Harvest sits within the major north-south trending structural corridor that was previously
described. The prospect coincides with a sharp relief ridge which extends for more than 2 kilometres
north-south and exhibits discontinuous outcropping copper oxide mineralisation and geobotanical
anomalism (copper bush) along the ridge.

Numerous small historic workings ranging from surface trenching in the 1970's to shafts and pits
from the 1920-40's have been mapped. The prospect had been recognised by previous explorers with
reconnaissance level work being conducted through to the mid 1990s. Past names for the prospect
include The Summit and The Slots. The last significant work was conducted by Placer in 1992 who
completed 4 shallow RC drill holes (Appendix 1, Tables 2 and 3).

Copper anomalism at Harvest is characterised by a 2 kilometre by 110 metre copper-in-soils
anomaly (Figure 1 and 4) exceeding 1000ppm copper. Internal peaks within the anomaly range up to
45,917ppm (4.59%) copper and 17,442ppm (1.74%) copper. The anomaly is similar in tenor and area to
the copper-in-soil anomaly at the Cloncurry Project's Little Eva deposit although reflects a longer
and more linear target. 

The copper anomalous ridge has steep sides with relief up to 90 metres. The ridge comprises
steeply dipping quartzite mapped as the Ballarra quartzite. The copper mineralisation is
structurally controlled within the quartzite and along the contacts of the quartzite with
calc-silicate rock. Overall the mineralisation is interpreted to have a steep easterly dip. 

Localised rockchip sampling across the anomaly has been undertaken, largely within pre-existing
trenches. The sampling returned values up to 14.3% copper and up to 0.74g/t gold. A full list of
rockchip results is provided in Appendix 1, Table 1.

Three diamond drill holes were drilled by Australian Copper Mines in 1971 into the southern
portion of the main anomaly; no assay data is reported for these holes although graphic logs show
mineralised copper intercepts consistent with subsequent nearby drill holes by Placer in 1992.
Placer drilled 4 RC holes in the northern portion of the main anomaly; the holes drilled parts of
the mapped copper anomaly and recorded copper and gold mineralisation over broad widths. The best
intersection from the drilling was from drillhole TSP-2, Placer 1992 (Figure 1).

74 metres at 0.51% copper and 0.11g/t gold from surface:

including  8 metres at 1.65% copper and 0.18g/t gold, and---
- 12 metres at 0.77% copper and 0.23g/t gold 

Full details of the drilling are summarised in Appendix 1, Tables 2 and 3.

Hobby Prospect

Hobby sits near the intersection of two regional scale structures being the north-south structure
which hosts the Companion copper-gold prospect and the Cloncurry Project  copper+/-gold deposits and
the north-east trending structure which hosts the Ivy Ann copper-gold deposit. 

Hobby had been missed by previous exploration having a different visual surface expression to
typical copper anomalies of similar tenor in the region. 

At Hobby a large and coherent copper-in-soil anomaly greater than 1,000ppm has been defined
(Figure 2). The extent of the greater than 1,000ppm core of the anomaly is 680 by 230 metres.
Internal peaks within the anomaly range up to 6,398ppm (0.64%) copper and 56,125ppm (5.61%) copper
with the highest results close to historic workings. The anomaly is of similar size and tenor to the
copper-in-soil anomaly at the Cloncurry Project's Little Eva deposit. 

The anomaly occurs within a range of hills with relief up to 120 metres. The anomaly trends
north-west cutting across steeply dipping north-south striking calc-silicate metasedimentary rocks
dominated by pink feldspar and amphibole that form the ridges. 

Two small historical surface workings on narrow high-grade copper structures some 0.2 to 1 metres
wide are located in the middle of the anomaly. Two other small gossanous outcrops with abundant
copper oxide have been mapped. Overall the copper mineralisation has a subtle surface expression
being finely disseminated within the rocks. Rockchip samples of the gossanous structures returned
values from 1.6 to 23.3% copper and 0.13 to 2.9g/t gold; while 90% of the surrounding rocks returned
values greater than 0.1% copper up to 0.7% copper. A full list of available rockchip results is
provided in Appendix 1, Table 1.

No drilling has been undertaken at the prospect to date. Drill Targets
Identfied (2).005.jpeg

Figure 5:  Roseby South Project location map


The table below is a description of the assessment and reporting criteria used in reporting the
Exploration Results that reflects those presented in Table 1 of The Australasian Code for the
Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code, 2012).

Section 1:  Sampling Techniques and Data
Criteria  Commentary
Sampling  Soil samples are surface samples (top 20cm)
 technique sieved to -2mm to obtain a ~100g sample size.
s          Sampling is conducted only when

          Rockchip samples were collected from patchy
           surface rock
          subcrop or outcrops and are typically chip
           samples across exposed rock faces over an
          2  and are commonly selective targeting
           mineralised or altered rock

          All rockchip and duplicate (referee) soil
           analyses were analysed at ALS laboratories in

          No new Altona drill data is reported.
          For the referenced historical Placer drilling
           at Whippersnapper reported sampling technique
           data is limited; holes are reported as RC
           with sampling at 2 metre intervals.

Drilling  Not applicable, no new results presented other
 technique than significant intersections from historic
s          data.

          For the referenced historical Placer drilling
           at Whippersnapper holes are reported as RC no
           other data is

Drill     Not applicable, no new data reported.

Logging   Not applicable, no new data reported.

Sub-sampliNot applicable, no new sub-sampled data
ng         reported.
s and

Quality   Soil Samples
 of assay Soil samples were routinely analysed for copper
 data and  (and a suite of
y         other elements) using a Niton XL3tGOLDD+
 tests     hand-held XRF instrument. Analyses are
           conducted routinely under controlled
           conditions in the site office.

          Quality Control included: standards (certified
           reference materials) from
          Geostats Ltd. Standards were inserted into the
           sampling sequence at 1:20 ratio and included
           representative material for copper.
          Whenever a bias has been detected it has been
           found to
           consistent against the reference data and
           therefore no corrections have been
          Umpire soil samples were submitted to ALS
           laboratories in Townsville for analysis using
           Trace Level method by four acid near total
           digest (method code
          ; copper range 1 -10,000ppm) for 33 elements;
           and; gold using Super Trace Level method by
          regia digestion with 50g sample weight (method
           code: Au-ST44;
          gold range 0.1ppb - 1ppm). The umpire samples
           were selected from traverses across each
           anomaly; these displayed no bias and an
           acceptable level of precision for the

          Rock or Drill Samples
          All rock samples were analysed at ALS
           laboratories in Townsville for
          a standard suite of elements.
          Samples were analysed by Aqua Regia or a four
           acid digest
          HF-HNO3 -HClO4 acid digestion, HCl leach) diges
          t using ICP-AES and ICP-MS (method code:
           ME-MS41 or
          ; copper range 0.2 - 10,000ppm)) for 51
           elements. This included
          , with a detection limit of 0.2ppm. Data
           reported from Aqua
          Regia digestion should be considered as
           representing only the leachable portion of a
          analyte while the four acid digestion is a

          On return of copper values of greater than 1%
           a second series of analyses were undertaken.
           This involved an ore grade Aqua
          Regia digestion (method code: ASY-AR01)
           followed by ICP-AES analysis optimised for
           accuracy and precision at high concentrations
           (method code:

          Gold was analysed via a fire assay (30g) with
           an AAS finish, with a lower
          on limit of 0.01ppm and upper detection limit
          Quality Control utilised certified reference ma
           (standards) from Geostats Ltd. Standards were 
          inserted into the sampling sequence at
          a 1:20 ratio and included representative standa
           for copper and gold and also blanks. Field
          were taken using a riffle splitter on site for
          th sample. The laboratory also utilised
           were inserted into each sample batch.
          All duplicate and reference data display
           acceptable accuracy and precision.

          No samples were analysed by an umpire

          No geophysical tools were used to determine
           the results reported

          Referenced Historical Drill Sampling
          For the referenced 1992 Placer drilling at
           Whippersnapper analyses are reported as
           having been analysed at ALS Mount Isa using
           method IC581 for 8 elements including copper,
           and method PM209 for

VerificatiResults were checked by several Altona
on of      personnel.
 and      No twinned holes.
 assaying All field logging or field sampling data was
           done using a laptop and uploaded into the
          Datashed database and validated by company

          All assay files were received in digital
           format from ALS Laboratories. All
          Niton handheld XRF soil data was downloaded
           from the instrument in digital format. Data
           was uploaded into the Altona
          Datashed database and validated by company
           database personnel. No manual data inserts

          No adjustments have been applied to the

Location  Soil sample locations are surveyed using
 of data   handheld GPSs (Garmin GSMAP78s) with an
 points    approximate 5 metre horizontal accuracy.

          No new drillholes.
          Collar coordinates of historical drill holes
           by Placer and Australian Copper Miner at
           Whippersnapper were not recorded in the
          rce reference annual reports CR4696 and CR27193
          . Hole positions were located in the field
           based on maps and descriptions in the
           reports. For the most recent Placer RC
           holes (TSP1,2, 3 and 4) are located with a
           high degree of confidence. Collar locations
           have been surveyed using a hand held GPS with
           an approximate 5 metre horizontal accuracy.

          The Grid is GDA94 MGA Zone 54.
Data      The soil sample grid spacings are 20 x 20
 spacing   metres
 and       at Hobby and 20 x 40 metres at Harvest. In
 distribut the
ion        areas
           surrounding the anomalies spacing is typically
           20 x 200 metres.

OrientatioNot applicable, no new drill data reported.
n of data For referenced historical drilling by Placer
 in        at
 to       Harvest mineralisation is interpreted to
 geologica strike approximately
l          north
 structure-south with unconfirmed dips subvertical to
           steeply east dipping. Drilling was towards
           the west or east generally at 60 degree dips
           and is deemed appropriate.

Sample    Soil samples are collected and bagged into
 security  pre-numbered plastic clip-lock bags. Unique
           sample numbers were retained during the whole

          Samples were collected and delivered to the
           Altona field office daily as they were

          Soil samples were retained for reference and
           stored in Altona facilities in

          All rock and umpire soil samples were then
           catalogued and sealed prior to dispatch to
           the laboratory by Altona staff.

Audits or Internal audits and reviews of key datasets
 reviews   collected by Altona have been undertaken.
           Past exploration data by other explorers has
           only been validated against the source

          Analysis of the results from the QA/QC samples
           are routinely
          analysed by the database manager and geologist
           on a batch and campaign basis.

          For laboratory analyses, the accuracy of key
           elements such
          copper and gold, was acceptable and the field
           duplicate assay data was unbiased and shows
           an acceptable level of

          For handheld Niton XRF analyses the data may
          a consistent bias against the reference data. I
          n contrast laboratory umpire samples from the
           reported soil anomalies displayed no bias and
           an acceptable level of precision for the

          No external audits or reviews have been

Section 2:  Reporting of Exploration Results
Criteria   Commentary
Mineral    Harvest sits within EPM 25761. Hobby is
 tenement   within EPM 25759. The EPMs are 100% owned
 and land   by Altona Mining Ltd.
           No joint ventures apply.
           There are agreements in place with the native
            title holders, the
           Kalkadoon people and with landholders.
           No significant historic sites or national
            parks are located within the reported

           Both EPMs were granted in late 2015 and are
            in good

ExplorationVery small historical surface workings (slots
 done by    and shallow shafts) on narrow high grade
 other      copper oxide veins/gossans exist at
           Harvest and Hobby. These are more extensive
           Rockchip sampling has been undertaken around
            the historical workings at Hobby
           ies by pervious explorers. No systematic soil
            sampling, ground geophysics
           or drilling has been undertaken. 
           Previous exploration has been undertaken by
            several parties at
           Harvest since the 1970s. Early exploration
            was by Australian Copper Mines N.L. and
           Aquitane Australia Minerals Pty Ltd in the
            1970s, and CRA and Placer in the 1990s.
            The majority of this work
           was surface mapping and sampling. Four
            shallow diamond drill holes were drilled by
            Australian Copper Mines (1971, CR4696) in
           ern portion of the main anomaly. No assay
            data is reported for these holes although
            graphic logs show mineralised copper
            intercepts consistent with subsequent nearby
            drill holes conducted by Placer.
           It is unclear from the report whether the diam
           ond holes were submitted for analysis or the
            graphic logs
           ect visual estimates for copper. Placer
            (1995) drilled 4 RC holes in the
           ern portion of the main anomaly. The holes
            drilled parts of the mapped copper anomaly
            and recorded copper and gold mineralisation
            over broad widths.

Geology    Mineralisation is considered to be
           stratabound and structurally controlled
            following internal competency, chemical and

           Mineralisation occurs both as fine-grained
           s and in coarse grained veins. Mineralisation 
           occurs as sulphide
            under a shallow, approximately 25 metre,
            oxidised cap. Copper sulphides include
           ite, chalcopyrite and bornite. The majority
            of the oxide mineralisation consists of
            copper oxides (malachite) and silicates.

Drill hole Not applicable, no new drill data reported.
 InformatioExploration results are not being reported
n           for the Mineral Resource area.

           Historical data for drilling at Harvest was
            referenced from annual report CR27193 (CRA
            Exploration Pty Ltd 1975) and CR4696
            (Australian Copper Mines N.L. 1971).

Data       Exploration results are not being reported
 aggregatio for the Mineral Resource
n           area.

RelationshiExploration results are not being reported
p between   for the Mineral Resource
 mineralisa area.
 widths    Placer RC drill holes at Harvest are at a
 and        high angle to the broader zones of
 intercept  mineralised stratigraphy and mineralised
 lengths    structures and are interpreted to be
            approaching true

Diagrams   Figures 1 to 5.
Balanced   Exploration results are not being reported
 reporting  for the Mineral Resource

           A full compilation of available soil and rockc
            data from the reported prospects has been
           Whilst the soil anomalies are attractive and
            similar in size and tenor to response over
            the Little Eva deposit,
           the main text of the release notes that the
            tenor of surface anomalism is not a reliable
            guide to the nature of any potential

Other      Exploration results are not being reported
 substantiv for the Mineral Resource
e           area.

Further    Additional work in the future will consist of
 work       RC exploration prospect scale mapping and
           further soil sampling. Heritage clearance
            surveys are required ahead of drilling and

TonneGrade      CopperGold  TonneGrade      TonneGrade      TonneGrade
s                           s                               s

milliCu   Au   tonnesouncesmilliCu    Au   milliCu   Au   milliCu   Au
on                         on              on             on

%    g/t  %     g/t  %    g/t  %    g/t
Little Eva105.90.52 0.09 546,00295,0037.1 0.60  0.09 45.0 0.46 0.08 23.9 0.50 0.10
                         0     0

Turkey    21.0 0.59      123,00-     -    -          17.7 0.59      3.4  0.58 -
 Creek                   0

Ivy AnnA  7.5  0.57 0.07 43,00017,000-    -     -    5.4  0.60 0.08 2.1  0.49 0.06
Lady Clayr14.0 0.56 0.20 78,00085,000-    -     -    3.6  0.60 0.24 10.4 0.54 0.18
BedfordA  1.7  0.99 0.20 17,00011,000-    -     -    1.3  1.04 0.21 0.4  0.83 0.16
    Sub-to150.20.54 0.09 807,00409,0037.1 0.60  0.09 73.0 0.52 0.07 40.1 0.52 0.11
tal                      0     0

OTHER DEPOSITS                                                                    
BlackardA 76.4 0.62  -   475,00-     27.0 0.68  -    6.6  0.60 -    42.7 0.59 -

ScanlanA  22.2 0.65  -   143,00-     -    -     -    18.4 0.65 -    3.8  0.60 -

Longamundi10.4 0.66  -   69,000-     -    -     -    -    -    -    10.4 0.66 -
LegendA   17.4 0.54  -   94,000-     -    -     -    -    -    -    17.4 0.54 -
Great Sout6.0  0.61  -   37,000-     -    -     -    -    -    -    6.0  0.61 -
CarolineA 3.6  0.53  -   19,000-     -    -     -    -    -    -    3.6  0.53 -
Charlie Br0.7  0.40  -   3,000 -     -    -     -    -    -    -    0.7  0.40 -
    Sub-to136.70.61  -   840,00-     27.0 0.68  -    25.0 0.64      84.7 0.59 -
tal                      0

TOTAL     286.80.57 0.04 1,647,409,0064.1 0.63  0.05 98.0 0.55 0.05 124.80.57 0.04
                         000   0
A This information was prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004 Edition. It has not
been updated since to comply with the JORC Code 2012 on the basis that the information has not
materially changed since it was last reported. All other resources classified and reported in
accordance with JORC Code 2012 edition. 
Note:Tonnages are dry metric tonnes and have been rounded, hence small differences may be present
in the totals.
See ASX release of 23 October 2007 and 26 July 2011 (Longamundi, Great Southern, Caroline and
Charlie Brown), 23 April 2012 (Bedford, Ivy Ann and Lady Clayre), 03 July 2012 (Blackard and
Scanlan) and 22 August 2012 (Legend) for full details of resource estimation methodology and
Little Eva is reported above a 0.2% copper lower cut-off grade, all other deposits are above 0.3%
lower copper cut-off.

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