Sven Kili

Sven Kili

Chairman bei Sven Kili Consulting Ltd.

57 Jahre
Health Technology
Consumer Services
Health Services


Sven is an advisor to Saisei Ventures, participating in the investment process as a contributor to the investment advisory committee.
He was previously the CEO of Antion S.A., A Swiss-based allogeneic CAR-T biotech company and Head of Development for the CGT division of GSK Rare Diseases where he led teams developing and commercialising gene therapies for a variety of rare genetic disorders including Strimvelis®, the first ex-vivo gene therapy to be approved for children with ADA-SCID; Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome (WAS); Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) and Beta- Thalassemia and others.
Prior to this, he was Senior Director, Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine for Sanofi (Genzyme) Biosurgery where he led the clinical development, approval and commercialisation activities of the first combined ATMP product in the EU for MACI®.
He and his team also prepared and submitted various Advanced Therapy regulatory filings for Australia and the US, including health technology assessments and he was responsible for late stage developments for Carticel® and Epicel® in the US.
Before joining Genzyme, Sven led the cell therapy activities and oversaw all UK & Irish regulatory functions and was the QPPV for pharmacovigilance for the Geistlich Pharma.
Sven trained as an Orthopaedic surgeon in the UK and South Africa and since leaving full-time clinical practise has developed expertise Cell and Gene Therapy strategic company formation, clinical development, regulatory compliance, value creation, risk management and product safety, product launches and post-marketing activities.

Aktive Positionen von Sven Kili

Sven Kili Consulting Ltd. Chairman -
Director/Board Member 01.01.2017
Standards Coordinating Body Director/Board Member -
Consultant / Advisor 01.09.2023
Alle aktiven Positionen von Sven Kili

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Sven Kili

XINTELA AB Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01.05.2022
Consultant / Advisor 30.05.2018
Chief Executive Officer -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer -
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Ausbildung von Sven Kili

University of Stellenbosch Undergraduate Degree
The Royal College of Surgeons of England Doctorate Degree

Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

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Börsennotierte Unternehmen1

Health Technology

Private Unternehmen8

Health Technology

Health Technology

Health Services

Health Technology

Sven Kili Consulting Ltd.

Health Technology

Standards Coordinating Body


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