Isabella McCarthy

Isabella McCarthy

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Consumer Services
Health Services


Isabella McCarthy joined the Rose Medical Center in 1981 and currently serves as Chief Operating Officer.
Prior to joining the Rose Medical Center, she was a Resident at the University of Kansas Medical Center, an Acting Director of Pharmacy and a Staff Pharmacist at the Porter Memorial Hospital in Denver.
Ms. McCarthy was Director of Clinical Services and Pharmacy Director for the Rose Medical Center and a Director of the Alliance of Professional Women.
She was a Member of the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists and the Colorado Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
Ms. McCarthy has 20 years of clinical and management experience in the healthcare industry.
She received a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy from the University of Colorado in Boulder in 1976 and a Master's degree in Hospital Pharmacy from the University of Kansas in 1981.

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Ausbildung von Isabella McCarthy

The University of Colorado Undergraduate Degree
University of Kansas Graduate Degree

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Private Unternehmen1

Health Services

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