Guy Hands

Guy Hands

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Vermögen: 22 Mio $ am 31.03.2024

64 Jahre
Consumer Services


Guy is Terra Firma’s Chairman and Founder.
He is the Chief Investment Officer and sits on the boards of the general partner of each of the Terra Firma funds.
Guy started his career with Goldman Sachs International where he went on to become Head of Eurobond Trading and then Head of Goldman Sachs’ Global Asset Structuring Group.
During this time, Guy was a leading pioneer in the development of securitisation, extending the practice beyond simple debt instruments to include assets such as shopping malls, mobile home parks and distressed loans.
Guy left Goldman Sachs in 1994 for Nomura International plc, where he established the Principal Finance Group (‘PFG’).
PFG went on to undertake ground-breaking deals involving trains, housing and pubs, among other areas, using securitised debt to finance acquisitions.
In 2002, he led the spin-out of PFG to form Terra Firma.
Since 1994, Guy has overseen the investment of more than €17 billion in 34 businesses with a total enterprise value of more than €48 billion.
Guy has an MA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Mansfield College, Oxford University.
He was elected a Global Leader of Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in 2000 in recognition of his achievements.
In 2012, Guy was named the 20th most influential figure in Private Equity International’s ‘100 Most Influential of the Decade’.
In 2021 he published ‘The Dealmaker: Lessons from a Life in Private Equity’, an honest account of his experiences from childhood to deal making, and how they have shaped his thinking.
The Times said it is ‘the only book about private equity to read like a thriller.’

Bekannte Unternehmensbeteiligungen

UnternehmenDatumAnzahl der AktienBewertungDatum der Bewertung
18.03.2024 2 000 000 ( 15,19% ) 22 Mio $ 31.03.2024

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Guy Hands

Founder 31.07.2023
VONOVIA SE Chairman -
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Ausbildung von Guy Hands

University of Oxford Graduate Degree

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