David E. Hogberg

David E. Hogberg

Keine laufenden Positionen mehr

Consumer Non-Durables


David Hogberg joined Birds Eye Foods in 2002, bringing over 28 years of experience in the food industry across multiple product categories and operating disciplines.
He began his career in plant management at Quaker Oats in 1974 where he later gained experience in new product development and marketing for cereals and pet foods.
Joining ConAgra Foods in 1990 as senior manager, new ventures, he progressed in marketing to chief marketing officer for the frozen foods division before managing mergers and acquisitions and then moving into general management.

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von David E. Hogberg

Vertrieb & Marketing 28.11.2005
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Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

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Private Unternehmen1

Consumer Non-Durables

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  3. David E. Hogberg