Brooke Bauer

Brooke Bauer

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Electronic Technology


Ms. Bauer joined the Aurora Team in May 2007.
A native of Greensboro, NC, she is a senior Johnston Scholar at UNC-Chapel Hill majoring in Economics and minoring in Commercial Entrepreneurship.
She is currently an undergraduate Teaching Assistant for Econ 101, a Leadership Peer Educator, and is working on her honors thesis.
In addition to school, Brooke is the Social Chair of UNC's honors fraternity, Phi Sigma Pi.
Ms. Bauer studied Italian at la Scuola Lorenzo d'Medici in Florence, Italy in spring of 2006, and has traveled extensively through Europe.

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Brooke Bauer

Corporate Officer/Principal 31.12.2005
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Private Unternehmen

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Private Unternehmen1

Electronic Technology

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  3. Brooke Bauer