< table style="width: 544px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">< colgroup>< col width="377" />< col width="167" />< /colgroup>< tbody>< tr>< td class="xl67" width="377" height="21">< strong> Freitag 20. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl66" width="167">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Halfords Group PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Dividendenzahlungstermin < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Home REIT PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Securities Trust of Scotland PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Zahltag der Dividende < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Speedy Hire PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Zahltag der Dividende < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Vertu Motors PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Walker Crips Group PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21">Montag 23. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl66">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> keine Veranstaltungen geplant < /td>< td class="xl66">   < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21">Dienstag 24. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl66">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> keine Veranstaltungen geplant < /td>< td class="xl66">   < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21">< strong>Mittwoch 25. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl66">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Baltic Classifieds Group PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> JPMorgan Global Emerging Markets Income Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Dividendenzahlungsdatum < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl67" height="21">< strong>Donnerstag 26. Januar < /strong>< /td>< td class="xl66">  < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> AEW UK REIT PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Ex-Dividendenzahlungstag < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Artemis Alpha Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Dividendenzahlungstag < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Bankers Investment Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Ex-Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Centaur Media PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Sonderzahlungsdatum ex-Dividende < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> City of London Investment Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Ex-Dividendenzahlung < /td> /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21">CQS Natural Resources Growth & Income PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Ex-Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> CQS New City High Yield Fund Ltd < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenausschüttung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Global Smaller Companies Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Henderson Far East Income Ltd < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Ex-Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Law Debenture Corp < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> North Atlantic Smaller Cos Investment Trust PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Pennon Group PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Ex-Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> RWS Holdings PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Schroder Oriental Income Fund Ltd < /td>< td class="xl66"> Auszahlungstermin der Dividende < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> Smart Metering Systems PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Zahltag der Dividende < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21"> WH Smith PLC < /td>< td class="xl66"> Datum der Dividendenzahlung < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl66" height="21">   < /td>< td class="xl66">   < /td>< /tr>< tr>< td class="xl68" height="21"> Copyright 2023 Alliance News Ltd. Alle Rechte vorbehalten < /td>< td class="xl66">   < /td>< /tr>< /tbody>< /table>