Wei Liu

Wei Liu

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Consumer Services


Mr. Liu began his career in real estate by earning his Bachelor of Engineering in Urban Planning from Tongji University in Shanghai, China.
Prior to joining NBS Real Estate Capital, Mr. Liu most recently worked for the Santé Group as a Business Analyst performing financial valuations for the company’s senior care and housing projects.
He has also worked with NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson as a Financial Analyst and at J.E.
Moody & Company as a Trader and Quantitative Analyst.
At J.E.
Moody, Mr. Liu was responsible for conducting quantitative research on market fundamentals, macro economic trends and developing computerized systematic trading models.
He also co-managed a multi-asset investment portfolio, which involved portfolio rebalancing, trade recommendations and execution.
Mr. Liu holds a Master of Science in Computational Finance from the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology as well as a Master of Urban and Regional Planning from Portland State University.

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Wei Liu

Private-Equity-Analyst 30.09.2008
Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Wei Liu im Detail an

Ausbildung von Wei Liu

Portland State University Graduate Degree

Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Wei Liu im Detail an


Private Unternehmen1
