Vitaliy Shapran

Vitaliy Shapran

Direktor der Forschung - Eigenkapital bei Dagda LLC

Technology Services


Dr. Vitaliy Shapran is Managing Partner at Dagda LLC and Chief Financial Analyst at Expert Rating Ltd.
Vitaliy Shapran heads the analytic department at the rating agency “Expert-Rating”, he is responsible for the development of methodological base of rating.
In 2006 he worked out the original model of financial information disclosure which works in practice in the insurance and municipal sectors.
Vitaliy Shapran is the developer of methodology for the rating of asset management companies, banks, insurance companies and non-financial sphere companies.
Before starting his career at Expert-Rating, he held a position of analyst, commentator of international financial markets magazine “Russian Polis”, he was also the commentator of foreign markets in the official publication of the Assotiation Of Russian banks “National Banking Magazine”, at the same time Vitaliy was occupied with academic work.
Since 1999 he is a constant author of the official publication of the Securities and Stock Market State Commission - “The Securities of Ukraine”.
Vitaliy Shapran has two financial-economic educations, successfully defended a thesis in 2005, and investigated banks’ operation on the securities market.
Since February 2006 he is a collaborator of Ukrainian Institute of Stock Market Development of KNEU and Deputy Chief of the Banking Analysis Commission of the Ukrainian Society of Financial Analysts (USFA).
Vitaliy Shapran is the author of the popular book «IPO from ? to Z», «Investor Relations: a Manual for Companies Attracting Investment» and more than 500 articles devoted to problems of financial market development.

Aktive Positionen von Vitaliy Shapran

Direktor der Forschung - Eigenkapital -
Direktor der Forschung - Eigenkapital -
Alle aktiven Positionen von Vitaliy Shapran

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Technology Services


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  3. Vitaliy Shapran