
Mr. Tahri brings a decade's experience of managing people and clients into ASA Ventures as the Vice President of Operations.
He holds an International Bachelor's degree in Hospitality and Hotel Management along with an Infographic Design diploma.
As Vice President of Operations at ASA Ventures, Mr. Tahri directs operations to evaluate the performance of ASA Ventures' companies and its staff to determine areas of potential cost reduction, operational improvement in efficiency and effectiveness along with policy upgrades.
Hailing from Algerian roots, Mr. Tahri previously worked as a General Manager at two prime hotels, namely Ville de Roses and Station Thermale Hammam Melouane.
He is a firm believer of the hands-on approach and was directly focused on every aspect of the hotel, from maintenance to marketing.
Under his expert guidance, both hotels rose to immense prominence and gained nationwide recognition, gaining interviews with TV networks as well.
Having managed hotels, he has a successful track record in dealing with a multitude of situations and people with finesse and flair.
Beyond interpersonal skills, his abilities extend into accounting, business administration, procurement, marketing, and social media.
Having owned a car trading business, his entrepreneurial thought process and business ability are perfectly aligned with ASA Ventures ideals.
Mr. Tahri believes in bridging geographical gaps of through conversation and speaks multiple languages including Arabic, French and other European languages.

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Private Equity Investor 31.05.2020
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