Geoffrey Crouse

Geoffrey Crouse

Vorstandsvorsitzender bei SYNERON MEDICAL LTD.

53 Jahre
Health Technology
Health Services
Consumer Services


Mr. Geoffrey S.
Crouse is a Chief Executive Officer & Director at Syneron Medical Ltd., a Chief Executive Officer & Director at Candela Medical, Inc. and a Chief Executive Officer & Director at Candela Corp.
He is on the Board of Directors at California Cryobank LLC, Syneron Medical Ltd., Candela Medical, Inc., Syneron Candela (UK) Ltd., Candela Corp.
and Generate Life Sciences Co. Mr. Crouse was previously employed as a President & Chief Executive Officer by CBR Systems, Inc., an Independent Director by Invitae Corp., a Chief Operating Officer by Immucor, Inc., a Vice President-Life Sciences Business by Millipore Corp., a Director-Market Development by Roche Diagnostics Corp., and an Executive Vice President by AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He also served on the board at Prelude Fertility, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from Boston College, a graduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley and an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley.

Aktive Positionen von Geoffrey Crouse

SYNERON MEDICAL LTD. Vorstandsvorsitzender 17.07.2017
CANDELA MEDICAL, INC. Vorstandsvorsitzender 01.07.2017
Vorstandsvorsitzender -
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 22.03.2018
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied -
Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 18.07.2017
Alle aktiven Positionen von Geoffrey Crouse

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Geoffrey Crouse

INVITAE CORPORATION Direktor/Vorstandsmitglied 07.08.2024
AMAG PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Corporate Officer/Principal 01.12.2015
Vorstandsvorsitzender 01.08.2015
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Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Geoffrey Crouse im Detail an

Ausbildung von Geoffrey Crouse

University of California, Berkeley Graduate Degree
Boston College Undergraduate Degree

Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Geoffrey Crouse im Detail an


100 +

Beziehungen ersten Grades


Unternehmen ersten Grades





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Private Unternehmen13

Health Technology

Commercial Services

Health Services

Health Technology

Health Services

Health Technology

Health Services

Health Technology

Health Services

Health Technology

Health Technology

Health Services

Health Technology

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  1. Börse
  2. Insiders
  3. Geoffrey Crouse